A New Chapter: The Hero’s Journey

There are times in life where you must heed the call for something greater than what you face now. I’ve been on my own epic Hero’s Journey, facing darkness at every turn, and praying to God to keep lighting my way. I’ve been through the abyss more than once, and I’m certain I will go through it again.

We all go through it, we just never notice it. However, this cycle is as old as time, and storytelling is the way we know it. From videogames to books, we see this cycle and we, ourselves, don’t recognize it at times. Just like the ouroboros, we continuously follow this repetious cycle for all our lives, feeding our own snake over and over again until death.

I’ve realized through videogames and novels, that I tend to like games that follow this outline. I prefer that characters grow into who they are meant to be, but it doesn’t mean that their stories end once we finish a game or novel. The story lives on because of us retelling the story to others, and then others play the game or read, it’s a fairly amazing life cycle.

Discussion questions

Have you notice your own journey?

If so, what part of the cycle do you believe you’re in?

Which kinds of characters do find yourself relatable to?

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